超高層建築電梯設計的注意事項(PDF 51頁)
超高層建築電梯設計的注意事項(PDF 51頁)內容簡介
大樓搖擺 Building sway 大樓的構造對搖擺的影響 Building
composition has an impact on sway behavior
大樓建造方法 Construction method
-框梁鋼結構 Skeletal steel beam framework
-混凝土結構 Composite concrete structure
風力載荷 Wind loads
-表麵不平衡的壓力分配表麵Imbalance pressure distribution
-大樓周邊的過風 Wind passing around a building
環境溫度 Ambient temperatures
-建築的向陽麵 Sun-exposure of buildings
-高溫下的潮濕環境 Humid weather conditions in connection with
high temperatures 地震 Earthquakes
-電梯可以經受輕微地震,但無必要抗強震 An elevator may sustain
a light earthquake, but not necessarily a devastating one
當大樓搖擺是由於風載引起時 When Building sway is caused by wind loads
the swinging frequency of the building may coincide with resonances,
thus causing damages to the shaft equipment.
-電梯井道的彎曲變形會對電梯部件造成損壞 bending and deformation of
hoistways may damage elevator components. 當大樓搖擺是由於周圍環境引起時,
一般對電梯影響不大 When Building sway is caused by
ambient is usually no problem for elevators.
temperature differences between hot summers and cold winters may
have an influence on the hoistway height.
-大樓的伸縮需要對機械部件作調整 building shrinkage
may require mechanical measurements.
composition has an impact on sway behavior
大樓建造方法 Construction method
-框梁鋼結構 Skeletal steel beam framework
-混凝土結構 Composite concrete structure
風力載荷 Wind loads
-表麵不平衡的壓力分配表麵Imbalance pressure distribution
-大樓周邊的過風 Wind passing around a building
環境溫度 Ambient temperatures
-建築的向陽麵 Sun-exposure of buildings
-高溫下的潮濕環境 Humid weather conditions in connection with
high temperatures 地震 Earthquakes
-電梯可以經受輕微地震,但無必要抗強震 An elevator may sustain
a light earthquake, but not necessarily a devastating one
當大樓搖擺是由於風載引起時 When Building sway is caused by wind loads
the swinging frequency of the building may coincide with resonances,
thus causing damages to the shaft equipment.
-電梯井道的彎曲變形會對電梯部件造成損壞 bending and deformation of
hoistways may damage elevator components. 當大樓搖擺是由於周圍環境引起時,
一般對電梯影響不大 When Building sway is caused by
ambient is usually no problem for elevators.
temperature differences between hot summers and cold winters may
have an influence on the hoistway height.
-大樓的伸縮需要對機械部件作調整 building shrinkage
may require mechanical measurements.
