落基山脈能源項目評估分析案(英文)(ppt 73頁)
落基山脈能源項目評估分析案(英文)(ppt 73頁)內容簡介
Basic Energy Facts
There is no economy, be it new, old or even futuristic, that would exist without reliable, accessible and affordable energy
Over the past 25 years U.S. demand for energy has increased by 35% while our supply has only increased by 17%
We import 14% of the gas and 53% of the oil we use
Polls demonstrate that the American public:
1. Takes energy for granted
2. Neither understands nor appreciates how cheap our energy is in constant dollars or in comparison to other consumer nations
3. Seems to believe the mistaken notion that energy production necessarily entails unacceptable environmental impact
In Colorado about 2,000 drilling permits are issued annually compared to about 50,000 housing permits