服裝英語交流(doc 8頁)
服裝英語交流(doc 8頁)內容簡介
A: The clothing industry is one of the largest in the world.
B: Yes, it is divided into several sections: tailoring. light clothing, hosiery. swimmwear. foundation garments and so on.
對啊! 還能分成很多個分支,比如, 外套, 便裝, 針織, 泳裝, 胸衣等多個行業
A: So The range of merchandies is very diverse.
所以說嘛, 服裝種類的範圍很廣。
B: If include fabric and trimmings, the scope is more wide.
A: Any more, each branch can be divided into different kinds, like tailoring can be divided into man tailoring and woman tailoring, light clothing can be devided into dressse and separates, other kinds too.
還有, 每個分支還可以再分, 象外套可分成男裝和女裝, 便裝可分成套裙和單件等, 其它的分類也如此。
B: Yes, it is divided into several sections: tailoring. light clothing, hosiery. swimmwear. foundation garments and so on.
對啊! 還能分成很多個分支,比如, 外套, 便裝, 針織, 泳裝, 胸衣等多個行業
A: So The range of merchandies is very diverse.
所以說嘛, 服裝種類的範圍很廣。
B: If include fabric and trimmings, the scope is more wide.
A: Any more, each branch can be divided into different kinds, like tailoring can be divided into man tailoring and woman tailoring, light clothing can be devided into dressse and separates, other kinds too.
還有, 每個分支還可以再分, 象外套可分成男裝和女裝, 便裝可分成套裙和單件等, 其它的分類也如此。