某商業銀行及其監管規劃(英文版)(ppt 34頁)
Historically, commercial banks have been the most heavily regulated companies.
Resulted in a banking system with a large number of smaller banks that was limited in the scope of products and services that could be offered and the geographic areas where individual banks could compete.As a result, they were the safest and most conservative business.Although regulations limited opportunities and risks, they virtually guaranteed a profit.
Traditional role of banks as financial intermediaries declined New products such as cash management accounts, mutual funds, commercial paper, and junk bonds have become more prevalent.Banks have responded by accepting lower spreads, taking on more risk, and expanding their customer and product base.Evolution of banking into nontraditional roles
Expand into nontraditional areas and products to generate more fee income.
Investment banking, off-balance sheet activities Actively pursue the use of technology in the development and delivery of products.Internet bankingGramm-Leach-Bliley Act eliminates most of the remaining restrictions that have separated commercial banking, investment banking, and insurance for over 70 years.
Many analysts attribute much of the change in the financial services ndustry to deregulation.Deregulation was a natural response to increased competition rather than the catalyst of competition.competition between depository institutions and nondepository financial firms, andcompetition between the same type of competitors across world markets Deregulation sped up the process, but did not necessarily start it.