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如何掌握服裝行業的戰略分析報告(英文版)(pdf 58頁)

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掌握, 服裝行業, 戰略分析報告, 英文版
如何掌握服裝行業的戰略分析報告(英文版)(pdf 58頁)內容簡介

1、 Executive ummary............................................... 1
2、 Evolution of the Retail Apparel Industry .......................... 1
3、 ENVIRONMENTAL ORCES............................ 2
4、 Evolution & Characteristics of Gap, Inc. and The Limited, nc....... 12
5、 COMPANY OVERVIEWS ................... 12
6、 Bibliography ............27
7、 Appendices...............28
8、 APPENDIX A..........28

Due to the continuous increase worldwide in Internet usage and acceptance, many clothing firmshave established an nternet presence. The online sales of apparel and accessories productsincreased from $103.1 million in 1997 to $641.5 illion in 1999. It is expected to increase to$2,844.5 million by 2002.21 The reasons and motives are varied, but typically include a desire toreinforce the brand and company image as well as to sell apparel and accessories directly toconsumers. However, there are several limitations in retailing fashion over the Internet, most ofwhich are related to the consumer not being able to gauge fit, color, cut, etc., via their computerscreens. On-line custom-fit technology allows shoppers to virtually try on clothing using anInternet-based model.22 In addition, the Internet has fostered integrated visual merchandising – amust in retail fashion – on an unprecedented scale. Clothing stores can now highlight appareltrends via both their store windows and floor displays as well as online. With the proliferation offashion-oriented web sites and wire services dedicated to fashion, clothing and apparel news andtrends are more readily available.23 Another example of the role and impact of the Internet onretailing in general is that consumers tend to be more informed and can more readilycomparison-shop before they purchase a product. Time sensitive merchandise such as clothing issubject to shorter life cycles now. Whereas previously a clothing trend could be six months to ayear, today it is six to twelve weeks. This presents an obvious challenge to apparel firms whosesuccess is dependent upon responding quickly to changing trends.

