國外農產品質量安全體係概況(DOC 10)
摘 要:完善的農產品質量安全體係由四個部分組成:法律法規體係、標準體係、管理體係和支持體係。本文介紹了國外(主要是發達國家)上述四個體係的內容、特點和運作方式,認為政府在建立和維護農產品質量安全體係上責任重大,農產品質量安全體係處於不斷完善的過程之中,科技對建立和完善農產品質量安全體係起著重要的作用,農產品質量安全體係具有公開性和透明性的特點,農產品質量標準有國際化的趨勢。
關鍵詞:國外 農產品質量安全 體係
Abstract: A sound safety control system for agricultural products consists of four subsystems: laws and regulations, standards, management and support. This paper introduces the contents, features and operation modes of the above-mentioned subsystems of some foreign countries. The conclusions are: First, governments bear great responsibilities in establishing and maintaining safety control system; Second, safety control system has been improving continuously; Third, science and technology play an important role in establishing and improving safety control system; Fourth, safety control system features publicity and transparence; Fifth, quality standards trend towards globalization.
Key words: foreign countries; safety control for agricultural products; system