日化行業業績卓越獎及波多裏奇獎(2)(ppt 171頁)
Leadership Triad領導力三元組
Leadership (Category 1), Strategic Planning (Category 2), and Customer and Market Focus (Category 3) represent the leadership triad. These Categories are placed together to emphasize the importance of a leadership focus on strategy and customers. Senior leaders set your organizational direction and seek future opportunities for your organization.
System Foundation體係建立基礎
Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (Category 4) are critical to the effective management of your organization and to a fact-based system for improving performance and competitiveness. Measurement, analysis, and knowledge serve as a foundation for the performance management system.
Key Characteristics of the Criteria- Nonprescriptive and Adaptable 標準的關鍵特性—非指令性的並且是適應性強的
The selection of tools, techniques, systems, and organizational structure usually depends on factors such as business type and size, organizational relationships, your organization’s stage of development, and employee capabilities and responsibilities.工具、技術、體係以及組織結構的選擇通常取決的要素有:經營類型和規模、組織關係、組織的發展戰略,以及員工的能力和責任。
A focus on common requirements, rather than on common procedures, fosters better understanding, communication, sharing, and alignment, while supporting innovation and diversity in approaches.重點在共同的基本要求而非共同的程序,可培育最佳的理解、溝通、共享和協調方法,同時支持創新和多樣性。