日化行業基於勝任力的績效考核係統(英文)(ppt 56頁)
日化行業基於勝任力的績效考核係統(英文)(ppt 56頁)內容簡介
Key goals
Aligning employees with organisational vision, mission, values and strategies.
Distributing “just in time” learning opportunities.
Integrating performance systems
Building and retaining intellectual capital
Framework for the session
Competency in practice today.
Competency based performance management systems (PMS) practices today.
Competency approaches
Best practices
Implementation strategies
SMR experience
Behavioural competencies
Properties of the person
What people ARE?
Underlying characteristics of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job situation.
e.g. achievement orientation.