旅遊口譯詞彙大全(doc 9頁)
旅遊口譯詞彙大全(doc 9頁)內容簡介
中國的烹飪 Chinese cuisine
基本的烹飪方法 basic ways of cooking
分為四個菜係,即北方菜、四川菜、江浙菜和南方菜。To be classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School.
Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate
麻辣 spicy ad hot 鮮嫩可口 tender and juicy
饞涎欲滴 (of the mouth) to start watering 美食家 gourmet
盛產各種魚蝦海味 a great variety of dishes from the sea, rivers and lakes
From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless harships.
The massive material wealth and splendid civilizations crated by mankind constitute a magnificent scenery of the history of civilizations in the course of social development and a resounding and profound musical movement of civilizations.
中國的烹飪 Chinese cuisine
基本的烹飪方法 basic ways of cooking
分為四個菜係,即北方菜、四川菜、江浙菜和南方菜。To be classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School.
Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate
麻辣 spicy ad hot 鮮嫩可口 tender and juicy
饞涎欲滴 (of the mouth) to start watering 美食家 gourmet
盛產各種魚蝦海味 a great variety of dishes from the sea, rivers and lakes
From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless harships.
The massive material wealth and splendid civilizations crated by mankind constitute a magnificent scenery of the history of civilizations in the course of social development and a resounding and profound musical movement of civilizations.