海運出口入門培訓資料(ppt 20頁)
海運出口入門培訓資料(ppt 20頁)內容簡介
Shipping Letter of Instruction( Shipping Order)-Shipping Order是接受了托運人提出裝運申請的船公司,簽發給托運人,憑以命令船長將承運的貨物裝船的單據。裝貨單既可作為裝船依據,又是貨主憑以向海關辦理出口申報手續的主要單據之一。-見18頁
packing declaration 是指包裝聲明, 凡是出口到澳大利亞和新西蘭的貨物都需要此證書 -見18頁
Fumigation Certification熏蒸證明-一般出口到美國,澳洲的櫃,若含木製品,或木製包裝都要做熏蒸, 要提供熏蒸證書.實際中的做法有分真熏和假熏,顧名思義, 假熏當然便宜啦,一份證書嘛.真熏就太麻煩,有專門的公司負責做, 櫃子打入藥水後,要放24小時,所產生的藥費,操作費, 壓車費一大堆的
registration number with customs
HS number:Harmonized System (HS) numbers are classification numbers assigned to individual products. The HS number is used by Customs authorities around the world to identify products for the application of duties and taxes. These numbers are typically 6 to 10 digits long. The first 6 digits are standardized worldwide, while additional numbers are used by some governments to further distinguish products in certain categories.
shipping schedule船期表(line schedule)?
shipping documents有箱單,發票,明細,合同,提單......
Shipping Letter of Instruction( Shipping Order)-Shipping Order是接受了托運人提出裝運申請的船公司,簽發給托運人,憑以命令船長將承運的貨物裝船的單據。裝貨單既可作為裝船依據,又是貨主憑以向海關辦理出口申報手續的主要單據之一。-見18頁
packing declaration 是指包裝聲明, 凡是出口到澳大利亞和新西蘭的貨物都需要此證書 -見18頁
Fumigation Certification熏蒸證明-一般出口到美國,澳洲的櫃,若含木製品,或木製包裝都要做熏蒸, 要提供熏蒸證書.實際中的做法有分真熏和假熏,顧名思義, 假熏當然便宜啦,一份證書嘛.真熏就太麻煩,有專門的公司負責做, 櫃子打入藥水後,要放24小時,所產生的藥費,操作費, 壓車費一大堆的
registration number with customs
HS number:Harmonized System (HS) numbers are classification numbers assigned to individual products. The HS number is used by Customs authorities around the world to identify products for the application of duties and taxes. These numbers are typically 6 to 10 digits long. The first 6 digits are standardized worldwide, while additional numbers are used by some governments to further distinguish products in certain categories.
shipping schedule船期表(line schedule)?
shipping documents有箱單,發票,明細,合同,提單......