營養障礙疾病醫療管理分析(PPT 40頁)
營養障礙疾病醫療管理分析(PPT 40頁)簡介:
平均需要量 EAR (estimated average requirement)
推薦攝入量 RNI (recommended nutrient intake)
適宜攝入量 AI (adequate intake)
可耐受最高攝入量 UL (tolerable upper intake level) 一個人群的RNI= EAR+ 2SD
EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING: the infant takes only breast milk and no additional food, water, or other fluids with the exception of medicines and vitamin or mineral drops.
MIXED FEEDING: the infant is given some breast feeds and some artificial feeds, either milk or cereal, or other food or water.
ARTIFICIAL FEEDING: the infant is given breast-milk substitutes and not breastfeeding at all.
The ideal and natural food for infants: Nutrition,Immunity,Brain development and growth
Reduce disease risk
Economic and convenience
Establish an intimate, loving relationship
Mother’s health
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