某汽車8D方法DMAIC及PDCA英文版(PPT 30頁)
某汽車8D方法DMAIC及PDCA英文版(PPT 30頁)內容簡介
1. PDCA introduction
PDCA Cycle:
Plan– 計劃
Do– 執行
Check – 檢查
Action – 糾正活動
2. 8D introduction
Ford-8D Practice
使用 Ford 8D 的時機
Ford-8D Workflow
D1: Team Building
D2: Problem Description
D3: Development of ICA
D4: Definition & Verification of Root Cause
Root Cause Identification - Sampling
D4: Definition & Verification of Root Cause
D5: Choice & Verification of PCA
D6: Implementation & Validation of PCA
D7: Prevention of Recurrence
D8: Recognition of Team & Individual Contributions
3. DMAIC brief introduction
4. CIT introduction培訓
Stage 1: Define
Stage 2: Measure
Stage 3: Analyze
Stage 4: Improve
Stage 5: Control
PDCA Cycle:
Plan– 計劃
Do– 執行
Check – 檢查
Action – 糾正活動
2. 8D introduction
Ford-8D Practice
使用 Ford 8D 的時機
Ford-8D Workflow
D1: Team Building
D2: Problem Description
D3: Development of ICA
D4: Definition & Verification of Root Cause
Root Cause Identification - Sampling
D4: Definition & Verification of Root Cause
D5: Choice & Verification of PCA
D6: Implementation & Validation of PCA
D7: Prevention of Recurrence
D8: Recognition of Team & Individual Contributions
3. DMAIC brief introduction
4. CIT introduction培訓
Stage 1: Define
Stage 2: Measure
Stage 3: Analyze
Stage 4: Improve
Stage 5: Control
