六西格瑪管理簡介(中英版)(ppt 101頁)
一、6 SIGMA 起源及主要概念
二、6 SIGMA 組織及人員認證
四、執行主要步驟 D-M-A-I-C
五、Case Study
The Origins of SixSigma
It originated in the 1980's as Motorola responded to the threat of Japanese competition which had far lower defective rates. The approach spread to AlliedSignal and to General Electric, whose Chief Executive Officer, Jack Welch, has been the most passionate advocate of SixSigma. Since introducing it worldwide in 1996, GE has made over $1 billion of cost savings.
Motorola :
1979 年 ,當時 Motorola一位資深業務主管 Arthur Sundry 在高階主管會議上說:"Our quality levels really stink !"
Six Sigma Quality Program 此名稱乃為 Motorola工程師 Bill Smith所建議,為Robert Galvin所采納。
1. 定義產品或服務
2. 鑒定顧客及其需求
3. 列出滿足顧客需求所需之條件
4. 定義(規劃)流程
5. 防範流程錯誤並消除浪費
6. 確保持續改善
Six-Sigma 願景 :
Six-Sigma 的願景是將我們所做的每一件事, 透過達成Six-Sigma水平的表現, 交付世界級質量產品或服務以取悅客戶.
Six-Sigma 哲學:
Six-Sigma 哲學是應用結構化、係統化觀點於我們事業各嶺域達成突破性改善