六西格瑪管理培訓資料(英文版)(pdf 72頁)
六西格瑪管理培訓資料(英文版)(pdf 72頁)內容簡介
Define: Define the problem to be solved,including customer impact and potential benefits
Measure: Identify the critical-to-quality characteristics (CTQs) of the product or service. Verify measurement apability.
Baseline the current defect rate and set goals for improvement
Analyze: understand root causes of why defects occur; identify key process variables that cause defects ? Improve: Quantify influences of key process variables on the CTQs, identify acceptable limits of these variable, and modify the process to stay within these limits, thereby reducing defect levels in the CTQs
Define: Define the problem to be solved,including customer impact and potential benefits
Measure: Identify the critical-to-quality characteristics (CTQs) of the product or service. Verify measurement apability.
Baseline the current defect rate and set goals for improvement
Analyze: understand root causes of why defects occur; identify key process variables that cause defects ? Improve: Quantify influences of key process variables on the CTQs, identify acceptable limits of these variable, and modify the process to stay within these limits, thereby reducing defect levels in the CTQs
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