六西格瑪管理的新思維和新實踐(DOC 10頁)
New Thought and Practice of Six Sigma
Abstract: On the basis of practical experiences, this paper summarizes the development of Six Sigma Management, and its history and prospects in Chinese enterprises. From " 6 σ " to "Six Sigma ", change of the term expressed that the core feature of Six Sigma is economic. From "MAIC" to "DMAIC", Six Sigma has changed the operation of management. Then, from "DMAIC" to "DMADV", Six Sigma has been proved to be the best way for economic quality management.
六西格瑪(Six Sigma)管理已逐漸被廣大企業界認同為是依靠質量取得效益的有效途徑,從美國到歐洲、到亞洲欣起了一股六西格瑪熱潮,並逐漸把六西格瑪的視點從製造業拓展到服務業,成為組織在戰略改進、業務變革和解決問題的最佳實踐。自1987年摩托多拉開始實施六西格瑪改進活動至今,伴隨著六西格瑪管理實踐取得豐碩成果,六西格瑪管理的理論也不斷完善,形成適應質量在經濟發展中的戰略地位的管理新思維,實現質量經濟性管理的經營新實踐。