spc統計過程控製簡介(英文版)(ppt 23頁)
spc統計過程控製簡介(英文版)(ppt 23頁)內容簡介
Statistical Process Control
Variability exists in everything - people, machines and nature
Purpose - to be sure that processes are performing in an acceptable manner
monitor over time
forecast if will still be well in future
determine factors that make it out of control
Statistical Process Control
Design quality checks into the process - eliminate need for inspection
build better product during design
make product withstand variation - Taguchi Method
Prior to IR craftsmen were responsible for entire process - pride of workmanship
During 1920’s W. Shewart of Bell Labs build Control Charts - ASQ formed
During 1950’s Deming introduced QC techniques to Japanese
1961 Feigenbaum wrote Total Quality Control
Statistical Process Control
Variability exists in everything - people, machines and nature
Purpose - to be sure that processes are performing in an acceptable manner
monitor over time
forecast if will still be well in future
determine factors that make it out of control
Statistical Process Control
Design quality checks into the process - eliminate need for inspection
build better product during design
make product withstand variation - Taguchi Method
Prior to IR craftsmen were responsible for entire process - pride of workmanship
During 1920’s W. Shewart of Bell Labs build Control Charts - ASQ formed
During 1950’s Deming introduced QC techniques to Japanese
1961 Feigenbaum wrote Total Quality Control