Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)(英文版)(pdf 14頁)
Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)(英文版)(pdf 14頁)內容簡介
Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)(英文版)內容提要:
Experimental Design and DFSS
In Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), use DOE to:
1、Identify key input variables which affect the mean or variation of a key product output variable.
2、After determining key inputs, mfgs should either:
·Identify robust levels and establish controls to maintain,
·Fix the settings for an input variable, or
·Remove input variable effect by re-designing process.
3、If an input variable does not affect the output, then a mfg may either:
·Ignore the variable.
·Establish control plan to insure that input continues to have no impact on output.
Experimental Design and DFSS
In Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), use DOE to:
1、Identify key input variables which affect the mean or variation of a key product output variable.
2、After determining key inputs, mfgs should either:
·Identify robust levels and establish controls to maintain,
·Fix the settings for an input variable, or
·Remove input variable effect by re-designing process.
3、If an input variable does not affect the output, then a mfg may either:
·Ignore the variable.
·Establish control plan to insure that input continues to have no impact on output.
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