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6西格瑪綠帶培訓MaterialsTWO(PPT 277頁)

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6西格瑪綠帶, 綠帶培訓, mate
6西格瑪綠帶培訓MaterialsTWO(PPT 277頁)內容簡介
How do we measure reliability of your 流程和system?
Exponential Failure Model
Exponential Failure Model
Example :
Confidence Limit of Reliability
Normal Failure Model
What is a 設計of Experiment
目標 of An Experimental 設計
Typical Way Experiment is conducted
Ways of collecting Experimental data
Effect of Temperature 和Vendor on Bond strength
There is interaction (combine ) effects between Factor A & B
DOE : Manufacturing of Capsule
Terminology Use in DOE
What is a Full Factorial
When we can’t do all Combinations this is best Guess by Dr KnowItall
Illustration of Confound 和Aliased on the previous design
Simple Definition of Two level orthogonal Design
Introduction to DOE Simple Model Building Example
Building an Empirical Model
Things to note when conducting a 設計of Experiment
Exercise : Screening DOE
Robust 設計for 產品 和流程es
設計a 產品or 流程- Robust to Noise
Increase the Time to Market for new Technologies
Putting all together Developing into 流程Manual
How is Regression linked to DOE
How do we read the F table ?
Output from the Regression
Modeling of Deviation S
Confirmation Run
Summary For 設計of Experiment for Linear Model
Exercise - Linear Modeling DOE
Flow Chart In 設計of Experiment
Statistical 流程Control ( SPC)
為什麼do we use Statistical 流程Control ?
What is SPC?
Where should we use SPC
How to Implement SPC Charts (cont)
Implementation of SPC System
The Time Element of Control Charts
Control Chart Types
Variables Control Charts: the Xbar Chart
Variables Control Charts: The Range (R) Chart
Xbar & R Control Chart Limits
Control Charts 和Specification Limits
Creating the Xbar & R Control Charts
Creating the Xbar & R Control Charts (cont)
What is “Out of Control” ?
Shewhart Charts: Tests for Special Causes
Shewhart Charts: Tests for Special Causes
Applying the the Rules for Special Causes
Reaction to Out-of-Control
流程Capability Evaluation -Short Term
Partitioning the sources of variability
Summary of 流程Capability Measures for Long Term Vs Short Term
Shewhart control chart constants
Individuals Moving Range Chart - waste tank readings
Individuals Moving Range Chart
X bar 和S charts
Xbar & s Chart
Range vs 標準偏差
Choosing the Subgroup
Choosing a Correct Sample Size
Sample Size: Sensitivity in Next 3 Groups
Frequency of Taking Subgroups
Frequency Calculation
Exercise: Subgroup Size 和Frequency

