谘詢過程的核心技能英文(pdf 18頁)
Module Objectives
Participants will have a greater ability to:
identify key challenges in the consulting process
anticipate the causes of key challenges
link challenges to specific stages of the consulting
plan and enact preventive and coping strategies
appropriate to specific challenges
copyright Dunford, Geigle, Jenefsky,
Core Propositions
That at each stage of the consulting process
there are key challenges/tensions in the
relationship between consultant and client.
That awareness of these challenges “forearms
and forewarns” consultants in terms of:
– what to watch out for
– how to minimise the prospect of problems
– how to respond should problems emerge
copyright Dunford, Geigle, Jenefsky,
You are Kim Stephens, a new solo practitioner without an established client base. You have had
years of corporate experience in a wide range of functions. Over lunch one day, an ex-colleague,
Sue West, tells you about a businessman friend of hers, Jed Stone, whom she thinks might benefit
from getting a consultant to have a look at one of his businesses.
You meet Jed Stone, who explains that he has the franchise on five retail computer stores in the
ComputerTime chain. These stores are not his main businesses – they’re more like investments.
He’s not ever used a consultant but Sue has convinced him that he should get someone independent
to analyze the operating of the stores.
Jed seems enthused about you doing the work and it sounds like an engagement well within your
expertise so you agree to accept the brief. You spend several days doing an industry study,
identifying the documents that you’ll want from Jed and preparing a schedule of visits to the