信息戰略管理和經濟英文(ppt 52頁)
信息戰略管理和經濟英文(ppt 52頁)內容簡介
- What you will learn
- Course structure
- Teaching style
- Grading policy
- Pointers for success
- Value chain
- Competitive advantage
- Porter’s five forces model
We are seeing a growing tendency for companies to sell products in bundles to customers. e.g. Microsoft Office which is a bundle of Word, Powerpoint etc which used to be primarily sold separately in the past. What factors make bundling more attractive?
A leading manufacturer of printers spent additional money to slow down its printers. Intel spent extra effort (and money) on each chip to disable certain processors to slow it down. Wasn’t faster supposed to be better? Then why are these companies degrading their products?
上一篇:信息戰略管理(ppt 90頁)