工廠評估及評分指引(doc 25頁)
Part I: Factory Management Audit and Rating List
Scope: Applicable for Guang Dong Province Factories Only.
Section A: Material Management
A部分: 物料管理
A1 Part Material/Finished Goods Warehouse 原料/成品 倉庫
A1.1 Zone segregation 區域隔離
No segregation management. 沒有分區管理.
Clear zone includes Receiving, IQC Passed, Waiting for Disposition (MRB), RTV, Special Material Scrap
清楚隔離區域,包括收貨區, IQC已檢合格區,待處理區(MRB),待退供應商區,特殊物料存放區.
(1) + Material properly located within the area, not putting outside the border, good management.
(1) + 物料正確放置, 沒有超區, 管理完善
(2) + Fail safe operation. For example, there is only 1 part on the same pallet.
(2) + 運作接近不可能出錯. 例: 同卡板上隻可能有一種物料
A1.2 Material identification 物料鑒別
Poor ID and labeling. 標識方法及使用標簽執行差.
Material ID label (name, P/N, manufacturer, lot, qty) and IQC passed label (name, P/N, inspector name (chop) and date) well used.
有效使用: 物料ID標簽(名稱,零件號碼,供應商,批數,數量) 及IQC檢驗合格的標籤(名稱, 零件號碼, 檢驗員姓名, 日期).
(1) + Proper implementation and protection of labels.
(1) + 標簽正確使用和保護.
(2) + every external carton is labeled correctly.
(2) + 每一外包裝均正確標示.