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商務英語第三級培訓(英文版)(doc 13頁)

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商務英語, 第三級, 培訓, 英文版
商務英語第三級培訓(英文版)(doc 13頁)內容簡介

Instructions to Candidates
(a) The time allowed for this examination is 3 hours.
(b) Answer all 4 questions.
(c) All questions carry equal marks.
(d) All answers must be clearly and correctly numbered but need not be in numerical order.
(e) While formal accuracy is expected, adequate and appropriate communication is essential and candidates must judge the length of their answers in this light.
(f) When you finish, check your work carefully.
(g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is permitted. Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionary.

You have recently been elected as President of a local organisation made up of business people and professionals who raise money for charity and worthy causes. You saw the following newspaper article and decide to write a letter to your members to persuade them to support Joanna Hill.
Write the letter asking your members for ideas and commitment either in terms of running events or giving prizes.
Invent any information you think necessary.

