如何撰寫好的項目建議書(ppt 17頁)(英文版)
如何撰寫好的項目建議書(ppt 17頁)(英文版)內容簡介
Consultative selling methodologies
Increasing complexity of goods and services
Desire to sell high
Need to sell to teams or committees
Increasing use of consultants, especially for RFPs
The more pervasively a solution touches the enterprise...
the higher up the organizational ladder the decision will be made
the longer the decision cycle will be
the greater the perception of risk
the deeper the analysis of impact and value
and the better the proposal has to be!
Increasing complexity of goods and services
Desire to sell high
Need to sell to teams or committees
Increasing use of consultants, especially for RFPs
The more pervasively a solution touches the enterprise...
the higher up the organizational ladder the decision will be made
the longer the decision cycle will be
the greater the perception of risk
the deeper the analysis of impact and value
and the better the proposal has to be!