亞洲的企業管治概述(doc 29頁)
亞洲的企業管治概述(doc 29頁)內容簡介
Corporate Governance in Asia
An increasingly important part of debates surrounding CSR practices revolves around the need for good corporate governance in the Asia-Pacific region. It is clear that a weak institutional framework for corporate governance is incompatible with the sustainable development of an economy and that poor governance is a barrier to inward investment. Good governance has to be seen as important therefore to the development of all economies, but particularly emerging markets in the region. Therefore, promoting improved corporate governance along with CSR practices is an important part of ensuring development is in the interests of more than just a dominant minority.
Good corporate governance increases investor confidence and there is evidence that suggests that where companies introduce good governance practices, share prices rise. But corporate governance is also about creating beneficial relationships with all stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, employees and the wider community and environment. This two-part article seeks to review corporate governance issues from an Asia perspective. Ownership and control of many companies in the region differ from that commonly seen in the West and there are therefore specific issues that need to be addressed in this context.
One key characteristic about Asia is that many of the largest companies in the region are owned and controlled by major controlling shareholders. These are often individuals or families and sometimes the state. Controlling shareholders have strong incentives for monitoring the company and its management and can often have a positive impact on the governance of the company. On the other hand their dominance also means that they can force a company to operate in the interests of the controlling shareholders and this can have negative impacts on smaller minority shareholders.
An increasingly important part of debates surrounding CSR practices revolves around the need for good corporate governance in the Asia-Pacific region. It is clear that a weak institutional framework for corporate governance is incompatible with the sustainable development of an economy and that poor governance is a barrier to inward investment. Good governance has to be seen as important therefore to the development of all economies, but particularly emerging markets in the region. Therefore, promoting improved corporate governance along with CSR practices is an important part of ensuring development is in the interests of more than just a dominant minority.
Good corporate governance increases investor confidence and there is evidence that suggests that where companies introduce good governance practices, share prices rise. But corporate governance is also about creating beneficial relationships with all stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, employees and the wider community and environment. This two-part article seeks to review corporate governance issues from an Asia perspective. Ownership and control of many companies in the region differ from that commonly seen in the West and there are therefore specific issues that need to be addressed in this context.
One key characteristic about Asia is that many of the largest companies in the region are owned and controlled by major controlling shareholders. These are often individuals or families and sometimes the state. Controlling shareholders have strong incentives for monitoring the company and its management and can often have a positive impact on the governance of the company. On the other hand their dominance also means that they can force a company to operate in the interests of the controlling shareholders and this can have negative impacts on smaller minority shareholders.