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伊萊克斯集團項目谘詢報告(英文版)(ppt 125頁)

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伊萊克斯, 集團項目, 項目谘詢報告, 英文版
伊萊克斯集團項目谘詢報告(英文版)(ppt 125頁)內容簡介
Increased Revenu
- Improved product availability and promising capabilities
- Scalability to meet future business requirements.
- Improved responsiveness to market conditions.
- Optimized fill rate capability.
- More flexible, responsive delivery options
- More value-added services.
Reduced logistics costs
- Improved end to end supply chain visibility
- Lower cost-to-serve in transportation and distribution
Improved asset productivity
- Fewer stock locations through rationalization to achieve higher network productivity
Reduced working capital
- Lower LDC stocks through more flow-throughs, smaller more frequent orders, centralized slow movers, better use of supplier stocks etc.
Why were non-Electrolux Customers not covered by the survey?
Due to new survey regulations which were recently released (Dec. 1999) by the State Statistical Bureau (SSB), a company must obtain permission and approval for all market surveys conducted (this approval covers survey scope, approach and also a review and approval of the survey results by the SSB before they are released clients).
The obstacles put in place by the regulations (e.g. applying for permission, having a survey reviewed and approved, etc.) could have added several weeks to the project commencement date and additional time before the results can be released. At this stage, we are not aware of any companies which have sought and gained approval (including Gallup).
The key problem is that the survey reforms having only recently been implemented and the local branches of the SSB are still establishing the administrative system to deal with it. Therefore, the most ”practical” approach for conducting the project survey given the current environmental constraints was to cover only our existing customers since it was unlikely that they would report the survey to the SSB.

