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策略性競爭力概述(英文版)(ppt 44頁)

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策略性, 競爭力, 英文版
策略性競爭力概述(英文版)(ppt 44頁)內容簡介
I/O Model of Above-Average Returns:
1.Strategy dictated by the external environments of the firm (what opportunities exist in these environments?)
2.Firm develops internal skills required by external environment (what can the firm do about the opportunities?)
Four Assumptions of the I/O Model:
1.The external environment is assumed to possess pressures and constraints that determine the strategies that would result in above-average returns
2.Most firms competing within a particular or within a certain segment of it are assumed to control similar strategically relevant resources and to pursue similar strategies in light of those resources
3.Resources used to implement strategies are highly mobile across firms
4.Organizational decision makers are assumed to be rational and committed to acting in the firm’s best interests, as shown by their profit-maximizing behaviors
allow the firm to exploit opportunities or neutralize threats in its external environment
possessed by few, if any, current and potential competitors
when other firms cannot obtain them or must obtain them at a much higher cost
the firm is organized appropriately to obtain the full benefits of the resources in order to realize a competitive advantage
