當代物流學相關知識培訓(英文版)(ppt 22頁)
當代物流學相關知識培訓(英文版)(ppt 22頁)內容簡介
Part one : economic impacts of logistics
One : while absolute and relative in logistics costs in relation to GDP vary from country to country, logistics is most definitely an important part in a country’s economy
Two : logistics can also play an important role in a nation’s growth and development, particularly improvements in transportation efficiency
Three: the economic imparts of logistics can affects individual consumers such as you, these imparts can be illustrated through the concept of economic utility which is the value or usefulness of a product in fulfilling customer needs or wants
One : some of the terms used to refer to business logistics have included the following
Business logistics
Industrial distribution
Logistics management
Materials management
Physical distribution
Supply chain management
Part one : economic impacts of logistics
One : while absolute and relative in logistics costs in relation to GDP vary from country to country, logistics is most definitely an important part in a country’s economy
Two : logistics can also play an important role in a nation’s growth and development, particularly improvements in transportation efficiency
Three: the economic imparts of logistics can affects individual consumers such as you, these imparts can be illustrated through the concept of economic utility which is the value or usefulness of a product in fulfilling customer needs or wants
One : some of the terms used to refer to business logistics have included the following
Business logistics
Industrial distribution
Logistics management
Materials management
Physical distribution
Supply chain management