物流管理中英文詞典(doc 23頁)
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
2.1 Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
A subcomponent of supply chain planning, typically contextually describing manufacturing planning and scheduling.
2.2 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN)
Electronic message, including electronic data interchange (EDI) or Extensible Markup Language (XML), giving notification of product due prior to receipt.
以EDI 或XML 電子報文形式發給倉庫的提前到貨通知,倉庫將據此安排收貨計劃
2.3 Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS)
Computer-driven highrise system used to store and select cases or items automatically. A system typically consists of highrise shelving, multi-level conveyors, and highrise industrial truck equipment.
2.4 Back Order
The automatic addition of the out-of-stocks listed on one order to another shipment being delivered to a retail store. There are two types of back orders: 1) receiving –coming from a supplier or vendor (the back order is sent with the next order), and 2) shipping – going to a customer (send the back order with the next order).
The process a company uses when a customer orders an item that is not in inventory; the company fills the order when the item becomes available.
2.5 Batch Picking (Batch Selection)
A method of order selection in which several orders for different cus-tomers, or a "batch" of them, are picked together. Generally, a number of selectors work at the same time in different sections of the facility to pick the batch.
2.6 Bill of Lading
A document issued by a carrier that records the receipt of goods for shipment and the contract terms. It is not an invoice.