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某公司項目組合管理規劃(英文版)(ppt 38頁)

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公司, 項目組合管理, 管理規劃, 英文版
某公司項目組合管理規劃(英文版)(ppt 38頁)內容簡介

1、Emergence of Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
2、Portfolio Management in Financial Market
3、Overview of PPM
4、PPM, Process and Techniques

The expected return of a portfolio is a weighted average of the component expected returns.The total risk of a portfolio comes from the variance of the components and from the relationships among the components. The point of diversification is to achieve a given level of expected return while bearing the least possible risk. A portfolio dominates all others
if no other equally risky portfolio has a higher expected return, or if no portfolio with the same expected return has less risk.
The optimal combinations result in lowest level of risk for a given return The optimal trade-off is described as the efficient frontier Naive diversification is the random selection of portfolio components without conducting any serious security analysis.
As portfolio size increases,total portfolio risk, on average, declines. After a certain point, however, the marginal reduction in risk from the addition of another security is modest.

