某軟件集團改進經營管理(ppt 77頁)
一、 關於翰威特公司
二、 對貴公司情況的理解
三、 18新利真人网
四、 設計和實施所要考慮的因素
五、 我們的設計方案
六、 我們的谘詢團隊
七、 我們在亞太區電信業上的經驗
八、 費用與時間結構
Success in workforce planning requires HR to:成功的進行員工隊伍戰略部署計劃需要18新利真人网
Understand outcomes desired by business了解企業經營的預期成果
Understand business strategies for obtaining outcomes了解獲得這些成果所要采取的經營策略
Define best organization structure to support business strategy設計最佳組織結構來支持經營戰略
Define people requirements needed to achieve business strategy確定完成企業經營策略所需的員工素質能力要求
Develop strategies for delivering people requirements製定將員工能力付諸於實踐的策略
Develop techniques for monitoring progress toward goals發展對於達到目標的進程進行監控的技能
Company is experiencing increasing competition for talent and market share
Current human resources systems do not support the firm’s need to be more competitive in the market and the war of talents現有18新利真人网
Need to address the efficiency, competitiveness, and longevity of current organization structure需要提高現有組織結構的效率、市場競爭力以及有效壽命
WTO will have an impact on your competitive situation中國入世對你們的競爭地位將產生影響
Need to develop an effective compensation and performance management program that:著手製定有效的薪酬激勵和績效管理計劃,此計劃將:
Is in alignment with business needs and results與企業經營績效相互協調
Helps attract, retain and motivate employees, especially for management staffs幫助吸引,留用和激勵員工,尤其針對管理層
Rewards competency and/or contribution獎勵員工能力和/或貢獻