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組織變化管理(英文版)(ppt 37頁)

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組織, 變化管理, 英文版
組織變化管理(英文版)(ppt 37頁)內容簡介
Changing the shape of organization
Changes in the mission or “reason to be”
Changes in ways of doing business
Changes in ownership
Changes in the culture of the organization
Conditions for effective management of change
a vision of what the institution should look like
a clear sense of the organization’s identity(reason to be)
a clear sense of the organization’s interdependency with its outside environment
clear and reachable scenarios (not objective, but descriptions of the end states)
flexible enough organizational structure
effective use of advanced technology
reward systems that equally reflect organization priorities
Human Systems as Quasi-stationary Equilibrium of Multiple Forces
A human system such as an individual, a group, or an organization is usually composed of a number of sub-systems.
All systems are always subjected to multiple forces both from inside or from outside, they are always in some state of change.
The tendency toward equilibrium is achieved by a balance of forces pushing in different directions.
Since the system always move from one point to a new point, the equilibrium is only “quasi-stationary
