Advertising and Public Relations(英文版)(ppt 34頁)
Advertising and Public Relations(英文版)(ppt 34頁)內容簡介
Advertising and Public Relations(英文版)內容提要:
Advertising and Market Share:
New brands spend proportionately more for advertising than old ones.
A certain level of exposure is needed to affect purchase habits.
Beyond a certain level, diminishing returns set in.
Advertising and the Consumer:
Average U.S. citizen is exposed to hundreds of ads each day.
Advertising may change a consumer’s attitude toward a product.
Advertising can affect consumer ranking of brand attributes.
Identify Product Benefits
“Sell the Sizzle, not the Steak”
Sell product’s benefits, not its attributes
A benefit should answer “What’s in it for me?”
Ask “So?” to determine if it is a benefit
Advertising and Market Share:
New brands spend proportionately more for advertising than old ones.
A certain level of exposure is needed to affect purchase habits.
Beyond a certain level, diminishing returns set in.
Advertising and the Consumer:
Average U.S. citizen is exposed to hundreds of ads each day.
Advertising may change a consumer’s attitude toward a product.
Advertising can affect consumer ranking of brand attributes.
Identify Product Benefits
“Sell the Sizzle, not the Steak”
Sell product’s benefits, not its attributes
A benefit should answer “What’s in it for me?”
Ask “So?” to determine if it is a benefit