Organization structure(英文)(ppt 32頁)
Organization structure(英文)內容提要:
The basis by which jobs are grouped together
Group by function--Deepen specialized knowledge, Achieve efficiencies though specialization; High-cost integration, Slowly responsive
product Cluster --Multidivisional Sys.
Organized around Geography(territory)--scrattered
process departmentalization
Customer departmentalization
Chain of command
The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest eschelon &clarifies who reports to whom
authority:the right inherent in managerial position to give orders & expect the orders to be obeyed
unity of command:a subordinate should have only 1 superior to whom he(she) is directly responsible
conflicting demands or priorities from superiors
less relevance today because of -- & empowering
The simple structure
A structure characterized by a low degree of departmentalization,wide span of control,authority centralized in a single person, little formalization
lean,flat;2 or 3 vertical levels,a loose body of employees,& 1 individual in whom the D-M authority is centralized
strength--fast,flexible,inexpensive to maintain,& accountability is clear
weakness--difficult to maintain in anything other than small organization;risky,depends on 1 person.