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某某通訊公司谘詢建議書(英文ppt 21頁)

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通訊公司, 公司谘詢, 谘詢建議書
某某通訊公司谘詢建議書(英文ppt 21頁)內容簡介

Our Understanding of Your Needs................................................ 2
Project Approach............................................................................... 6
Benefits of Our Approach.............................................................. 14
Project Timeline and Professional Fees........................................ 15
I. Project Experiences..................................................................... 16
II. Project Requirements.................................................................. 19

During the past several months, BST has initiated several corporate initiatives aimed at responding to the focus on excellence through quality. The total quality policy was adopted because BST realized the need to position itself more competitively within the industry.

The environment surrounding today’s business is constantly changing. Pressure on the workforce is increasing from a variety of perspectives:

Increased workforce productivity
Changes in technology
Job complexity
Customer demands and expectations

Corporate wide responses:
Foundation Network Strategy
The Quality Advantage
Business Process Reengineering Efforts
Process Improvement Projects
Training & Documentation
BellSouth Telecommunications and Andersen have successfully worked together on a number of the business responses:
Business Process Reengineering - CORE
Job Design - AM Work Content Review
Training - Training and Documentation Project
FNS - Strategic Information Initiative
Florida Billing Settlement

Andersen is familiar with BellSouth’s efforts to improve the quality of service, and availability of services and productivity in customer services:
Service representatives and collection representatives represent the front line linkage and contact point for this service.
Moving to 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week availability requires changes for the company.
Small productivity increases in contact employee performance represent a substantial savings in BellSouth’s annual contact employee expenditure.
Future reengineering efforts will affect the system component of the provisioning process.
Andersen has historically realized significant and quick productivity savings in redesigning these processes.
Key Objectives
The key objectives of the Planning and Preparation phase are as follows:
Perform cluster analysis
Refine objectives and strategy
Organize teams
Further understand organization and key interfaces
Prepare kick-off communications
Plan project, finalize work plan and establish key target dates
Orient and train team members
The approach to achieving these objectives is to:
Hold project team meetings
Discuss communications strategy
Hold training sessions
Conduct a group team building exercise
Discuss activity dictionary with appropriate client personnel
Key Deliverables
The key deliverables of the Planning and Preparation phase are as follows:
Appoint and train project team
Finalize communications plan
Develop timeline for remainder of project
Activity Dictionary

