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內在分析(ppt 50頁)

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內在分析(ppt 50頁)內容簡介
Chapter 3
The Internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities and Core Competence
Michael A. Hitt
R. Duane Ireland
Robert E. Hoskisson
Sustainability of a Competitive Advantage競爭優勢之持久性
Sustainability of a competitive advantage is a function of:
the rate of core-competence obsolescence due to environmental changes老化速度
the availability of substitutes for the core competence替代品
the imitability of the core competence複製
Challenge of Internal Analysis
How do we effectively manage current core competencies while simultaneously developing new ones?現有與新核心能力
How do we assemble bundles of resources, capabilities and core competencies to create value for customers?組合與創造價值
How do we learn to change rapidly?迅速變革
Three Conditions Affecting Managerial Decisions About Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
Uncertainty regarding characteristics of the general and the industry environments, competitors’ actions, and customers’ preferences
Complexity regarding the interrelated causes shaping a firm’s environments and perceptions of the environments
Intraorganizational Conflicts among people making managerial decisions and those affected by them
Core competencies are resources and capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage over rivals
Core competencies distinguish a company competitively and make it distinctive
McKinsey and Co. recommends using three to four competencies when framing strategic actions

