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公司層策略英文(ppt 38頁)

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公司, 策略
公司層策略英文(ppt 38頁)內容簡介
Two Levels of Strategy
A diversified company has two levels of strategy
1. Business-Level Strategy (Competitive Strategy)
How to create competitive advantage in each business in which the company competes
- low cost - differentiation
- focused low cost - focused differentiation
- integrated low cost/
2. Corporate-Level Strategy (Company-wide Strategy)
How to create value for the corporation as a whole
Key Questions in Corporate Strategy
1. What businesses should the corporation be in?
2. How should the corporate office manage the array of business units?
Corporate Strategy is what makes the corporate whole add up to more than the sum of its business unit parts
Levels and Types of Diversification
Low Levels of Diversification
Single Business
> 95% of business from a single business unit
Dominant Business
Between 70 and 95% of business from a single business unit
Levels and Types of Diversification
Moderate to High Levels of Diversification
Related Constrained
<70% of revenues from dominant business; all businesses share product, technological and distribution linkages

