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解決問題的方法與假設谘詢英文(ppt 34頁)

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解決問題, 方法, 假設, 谘詢
解決問題的方法與假設谘詢英文(ppt 34頁)內容簡介
Lay out a systematic approach to solving business problems –“Structured Problem Solving ”
Establish a common “modus operandus” for Consulting teams
Practice the suggested process on a real-life example
“Strategy is about making decisions”
The best strategy “makers” are able to blend analytic techniques with an understanding of the future uncertainties and simple good luck
Based on often imperfect information they make decisions and then drive implementation
Think through these three stages as you create a hypothesis to help you plan out how you will test it:
What is the issue?
What is the underlying opportunity?
Where is the advantage?
What do you think causes the issue?
What are the key drivers of the process?
What is the impact of the issue?
How can we tell there is an opportunity?
Why do we care?

