某公司進入中國市場策略項目建議書(PPT 37頁)
某公司進入中國市場策略項目建議書(PPT 37頁)內容簡介
A. Fierce competition from international and domestic players has imposed great challenge on Henkel
After fast increase in earlier 1990th, annual growth of China detergent market has slowed down in these years
Overcapacity in detergent indudstry leads to price reduction and thus reduces the product profitability
After having established prominent position in high end market, P&G and Unilever begin to penetrate middle and low end market
Although a late comer, Benckiser has successful penetrated north market with Dosia through well-designed entry strategy
Some domestic players are also making efforts to achieve fast growth and national presence
Fast growths of domestic players are supported by their rural focus strategy, nationwide manufacturing network and direct sales model
In order to achieve turnaround, Henkel should adopt an aggressive expansion strategy
Per capita consumption gradually decreases from south to north and from east to west
The high population density is located in the North China plain
Qiqiang’s low price strategy proves to be successful in the low-end segment
After fast increase in earlier 1990th, annual growth of China detergent market has slowed down in these years
Overcapacity in detergent indudstry leads to price reduction and thus reduces the product profitability
After having established prominent position in high end market, P&G and Unilever begin to penetrate middle and low end market
Although a late comer, Benckiser has successful penetrated north market with Dosia through well-designed entry strategy
Some domestic players are also making efforts to achieve fast growth and national presence
Fast growths of domestic players are supported by their rural focus strategy, nationwide manufacturing network and direct sales model
In order to achieve turnaround, Henkel should adopt an aggressive expansion strategy
Per capita consumption gradually decreases from south to north and from east to west
The high population density is located in the North China plain
Qiqiang’s low price strategy proves to be successful in the low-end segment