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財務策劃步驟和方法(PPT 33頁)

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財務策劃, 策劃步驟
財務策劃步驟和方法(PPT 33頁)內容簡介
Financial Plans
Sales Forecast
The Percent of Sales Method
The Percent of Sales Method: An Example
Example (cont’d):
Financing Feedbacks
The AFN Formula
Steps in Financial Forecasting
Forecasting sales
After sales forecasting, what is next?
Sales forecasting and longer term assets and liabilities
Ready to prepare the income statement
Ready to prepare the Balance Sheet
Additional funds needed
How would increases in these items affect the AFN?
Projecting Pro Forma Statements with the Percent of Sales Method
Sources of Financing Needed to Support Asset Requirements
Implications of AFN
How to Forecast Interest Expense
Basing Interest Expense on Debt at End of Year
Basing Interest Expense on Debt at Beginning of Year
Basing Interest Expense on Average of Beginning and Ending Debt
Equation AFN versus Pro Forma AFN
Summary: How different factors affect the AFN forecast.
Economic Value Added (EVA)
