海氏薪酬體係標杆(英文版)(ppt 23頁)
Project Objectives:
1、Assess New Jersey Institute of Technology’s currentposition classification program and make recommendations to ensure that it enables pay in an equitable and competitive manner.
2、NJIT’s current classification program has not been formallyreviewed in a number ofyears…concerns have developed about:comparability of roles and job value across the organization,turnover in certain areas, and the increasing complexity of work.
3、Benchmark sample of 80 positions (both aligned and non-aligned)selected to encompass a representative sample of titles and job levelsin the following functional areas:
(1)Finance and Budget
(2)North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
(3)Information Technology
4、Recommend modifications to the design of the current program to ensure that pay structure:
(1)Reflects job value and contribution in a consistent methodology
(2)Achieves desired and appropriately competitive market targets