培訓效果評估方法培訓講義(英文版)(ppt 36頁)
Example Questions:
Probability you will use ideas from this session in your work
Content relevance to my job
Practical examples and experience
Speaker’s knowledge of subject area
Speaker’s presentation/facilitation skills
Speaker’s ability to respond to questions
Group participation
Level One: Reaction
Tip 1: highlight purpose, solicit cooperation
To determine the degree that the seminar met your needs, we would like you to give us your honest opinion…
To make our future sessions as meaningful as possible, we would appreciate your candid evaluation of this program.
Your comments will be used to improve future offerings of this seminar.
Tip 2: Encourage comments
Comments are more accurate than scores
Tip 3: Set up baseline scores
Historical data
Benchmarking data
Pilot group data (Formative evaluation)
Tip 4: Combine questionnaires, interviews, focus groups
Tip 5: instant feedback for multi subject courses
How to evaluate?
5、Role Play