如何在全球職場上取得成功(ppt 48頁)
如何在全球職場上取得成功(ppt 48頁)內容簡介
一、 在國際職場上成功,到底難不難?
二、 一顆縱橫全球職場的巨星
三、 職場巨星從何而起?
四、 ......
Born in 1954, Lanci joined Texas Instruments Italy
in 1981 and became Country Manager in 1991 at the age of 37. When TI‘s portable PC business merged with Acer in 1997, Lanci became Managing Director of Acer Italy. His notable performance quickly escalated his position along the corporate ladder by being appointed President of Acer Europe in 2000, President of Acer EMEA in 2002, and co-head of IOBG, Acer Inc., in 2003.
In addition to Lanci's place on Acer's Board of Directors after the next election, there are plans to invite another foreign external director on the board to fortify Acer's knowledge and vision of the global IT industry.