趨向和主導的實踐在18新利真人网 管理方麵(pdf 44頁)(英文)
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- 實踐, 18新利真人网 管理, 管理方麵, 英文
管理方麵(pdf 44頁)(英文)內容簡介
Leading Practice Findings
I. Organizing organizations. Most analysts predict that adaptive, virtual organizations
will replace rigid organizational structures. The organization of the future, including the
HR function, will essentially be a network of autonomous small project teams that form
and reform as needed. A key responsibility of HR professionals in such organizations
will be to help managers address the social implications and psychological consequences
of creating and dismantling teams, breaking up groups that have “bonded,” and helping
employees adjust to being moved constantly from project to project.
II. Proactive recruiting. A skills crisis continues and has now become global. This
shortage of skilled workers puts enormous pressure on HR to find innovative ways to
attract new employees. The best and brightest candidates are comparison shopping
I. Organizing organizations. Most analysts predict that adaptive, virtual organizations
will replace rigid organizational structures. The organization of the future, including the
HR function, will essentially be a network of autonomous small project teams that form
and reform as needed. A key responsibility of HR professionals in such organizations
will be to help managers address the social implications and psychological consequences
of creating and dismantling teams, breaking up groups that have “bonded,” and helping
employees adjust to being moved constantly from project to project.
II. Proactive recruiting. A skills crisis continues and has now become global. This
shortage of skilled workers puts enormous pressure on HR to find innovative ways to
attract new employees. The best and brightest candidates are comparison shopping
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