HRM04Attracting(E)(ppt 70)
HRM04Attracting(E)(ppt 70)內容簡介
1. What are the three ways in which effective HR planning can enhance a firm’s competitive advantage?
2. What is human resource planning?
3. Why shall all managers pay attention to HRM?
4. What is Job analysis?
5. Why do we need Job description?
6. What criteria de we consider when we recruit expatriates?
7. How to conduct job interviews?
1. What are the three ways in which effective HR planning can enhance a firm’s competitive advantage?
2. What is human resource planning?
3. Why shall all managers pay attention to HRM?
4. What is Job analysis?
5. Why do we need Job description?
6. What criteria de we consider when we recruit expatriates?
7. How to conduct job interviews?
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