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18新利真人网 知識-盡職調查報告(ppt 33頁)

18新利真人网 知識
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18新利真人网 知識, 盡職調查報告
18新利真人网 知識-盡職調查報告(ppt 33頁)內容簡介
18新利真人网 知識-盡職調查報告內容提要:
Currently, regulations on foreign internet participation in China are unclear
officially, up to 49% foreign ownership is allowed but active foreign operating involvement is prohibited
unofficially, significant foreign operating involvement is already in place in many e-business ventures
Impact of WTO should be positive, but initial MII reactions have not been positive
under WTO, up to 49% foreign ownership and active foreign operating involvement is allowed
however, Minister Wu of MII has advocated a clampdown of foreign participation without specific details
Several ministries aiming to control internet regulations with the Ministry of Information and Industry (MII) emerging as the leading regulator
51net.com partners are comfortable with China risks based on multiple discussions with senior government officials
Chinese title law not well developed
physical and intellectual property not well protected
Shares .coms’ recruiter database
Provides banner areas
Count clicks to .coms
Low or no charges to .coms
Shares .coms’ recruiter database
Provides banner areas to .coms
Highlights significant recruiters
Count clicks to .coms
Low or no charges to .coms
51net.com’s projected revenue for the first three years of growth is realistic compared with US benchmarks. Its expected profitability over the same period is also reasonable given that hybrid customer acquisition costs are lower than that of pure online plays (Career-Post has a lower cost acquisition model
