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Training and Developing Employees(英文版)(ppt 76頁)

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Training and Developing Employees(英文版)(ppt 76頁)內容簡介

Training and Developing Employees(英文版)內容提要:
Employment planning:
Human resource inventory report: A report listing the name, education, training, prior employer, languages spoken, and the like of each employee in the organization.
Job analysis: An assessment of the kinds of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to successfully perform each job in an organization-決定工作職責與性質.
Job description(工作說明書): A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done-說明工作內容及方法.
Job specification(工作規範): A statement of the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent must possess to perform a give job successfully -說明擔任此工作的人所需要的資格與條件

Recruitment and selection:
Recruitment: The process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants.
Selection process: The process of screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.
Reliability: The degree to which a selection device measures the same thing consistently.

Why Training Is Booming:
NOT just technical training any more – over $19 billion spent last year on outside training
Team building
Decision making
Customer service
Technology and computer skills
Training helps management meet strategic goals

