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個人發展計劃 框架演練(雙語版)(ppt 35頁)

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個人發展計劃, 雙語版
個人發展計劃 框架演練(雙語版)(ppt 35頁)內容簡介
From an employee point of view, what are the biggest challenges in preparing their PDP?員工在準備其PDP時麵臨的最大挑戰
From a manager point of view, what are the biggest challenges in helping our people to prepare their PDP?上司在幫助員工準備PDP時麵臨的最大挑戰
Why our people don’t feel we are focusing on their development?員工為何感受不到我們對其發展的重視?
What do you like to see most in this training?在此次的培訓中,我們希望看到..?
What else the Corporate Office can do to help your hotel improve in this area? / 公司還有哪些事項可幫助酒店提升PDP表現?
Employee’s Responsibilities員工責任
Manager’s Responsibilities上司的責任
Planning for success為成功計劃
My Career Aspirations我的職業理想
My Career Aspirations – Example我的職業理想 – 實例
Step 1: My Target第一步:我的目標
Defining Development Target製訂發展目標
IHG Leadership Competencies洲際領導能力
My Target - Examples我的目標 - 實例
Step 2: My Success第二步:我的成功
My Success - Examples我的成功 – 實例
Step 3: My Action第三步:我的行動
Learning and Development Solutions學習和發展方式
My Action - Examples我的行動 - 實例
My Action - Examples我的行動 – 實例
Step 4: Keeping Myself on Track第四步: 追蹤自身進展
Keeping Myself on Track - Examples追蹤自身進展 – 實例
Personal Development Plan Meeting個人發展計劃會談
Materials to guide you through the PDP process有關PDP流程的資訊
How manager can help to track the progress?上司如何幫助以跟蹤進程

