【內容提要】 20 世紀 90 年代以來,我國出現了為數不少的各種類型的企業聯盟。但一些企業聯盟在運作中存在各種各樣的問題,致使其未能充分發揮聯盟的優勢。究其原因,是企業聯盟的理論尚未得到深入的闡釋,結盟企業缺少對聯盟科學運作的係統研究。鑒於這種情況,本文首先係統地歸納了企業聯盟的各種類型及其特征,在此基礎上提出並論證了企業聯盟運作成功的六個要素,供相關企業參考。【摘 要 題】戰略管理
【英文摘要】 Since 1990s, many different types of enterprise allance haveemerged in our country. However,there exist varied problems inthe enterprise alliance, which means that the enterpisealliance can't give full play to their advantages. The reasonis as follows: First, the theory of enterprise allance hasn'tbeen deeply explained; secondly, the member enterprises failedto systematically research the scientific management of thealliance. In view of this situation, conclusions regarding thedifferent types of enterprise alliance and their charactersare made in this article. The Author mentions six essentialfactors of scientific management of successful enterprisealliance, and offers them for reference.
【關 鍵 詞】企業聯盟 / 公司中心主義 / 聯盟文化
enterprise alliance/company centralism/culture of alliance
【 正 文】
中圖分類號: F276.4 文獻標識碼: A 文章編號: 1001 - 6333 ( 2002 ) 06 - 0092 - 05
20 世紀 80 年代以來,國外眾多知名企業在汽車、航空、家電、金融等傳統產業以及生物、醫藥、信息業等新興領域展示了豐富多彩的企業聯盟形式。現代企業經營的主旨不僅是提供產品和服務,更要取得競爭優勢,企業必須懂得如何把自己的核心能力和技術專長