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機械設計名詞術語中英文對照表(doc 20頁)

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機械設計, 設計名詞, 名詞術語, 中英文對照表
機械設計名詞術語中英文對照表(doc 20頁)內容簡介
阿基米德蝸杆 Archimedes worm 安全係數 safety factor; factor of safety
安全載荷 safe load 凹麵、凹度 concavity
扳手 wrench 板簧 flat leaf spring
半圓鍵 woodruff key 變形 deformation
擺杆 oscillating bar 擺動從動件 oscillating follower
擺動從動件凸輪機構 cam with oscillating follower 擺動導杆機構 oscillating guide-bar mechanism
擺線齒輪 cycloidal gear 擺線齒形 cycloidal tooth profile
擺線運動規律 cycloidal motion 擺線針輪 cycloidal-pin wheel
包角 angle of contact 保持架 cage
背對背安裝 back-to-back arrangement 背錐 back cone ; normal cone
背錐角 back angle 背錐距 back cone distance
比例尺 scale 比熱容 specific heat capacity
閉式鏈 closed kinematic chain 閉鏈機構 closed chain mechanism
臂部 arm 變頻器 frequency converters
變頻調速 frequency control of motor speed 變速 speed change
變速齒輪 change gear ; change wheel 變位齒輪 modified gear
變位係數 modification coefficient 標準齒輪 standard gear
標準直齒輪 standard spur gear 表麵質量係數 superficial mass factor
表麵傳熱係數 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表麵粗糙度 surface roughness
並聯式組合 combination in parallel 並聯機構 parallel mechanism
並聯組合機構 parallel combined mechanism 並行工程 concurrent engineering
並行設計 concurred design, CD 不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance
