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預先的計劃和安排(doc 72頁)

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預先的計劃和安排(doc 72頁)內容簡介
This paper is part of the doctoral programme of the study Business mathematics and Informatics (BWI) at the vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This paper is based on a literature research into advanced planning and scheduling.
This research is subtitled: ‘Is logistics everything?’ which refers to a headline in the NRC Handelsblad on the 29th of November 1997: “Logistiek is alles.” (Logistics is everything). An article with the retiring chairman of the EVO, the organisation for logistics and transport.
Since a decade the accent in the logistics sector has moved from inside the factories and warehouses to the outside world. The Supply-Chain paradigm has lead to new research areas and technologies in the search for an increased control of the total logistics chain of companies who co-operate to produce and sell products.
One of the most remarkable results of the Supply Chain concept is the increase in the use of formal, scientific methods to support the logistical decision-making. With this research I hope to have given a critical and objective view on this new development.
I would like to thank my supervisor Ger Koole for his critical view.
Marjolein van Eck
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 2003
